
If you've never met a woman named "Charli", you've really been missing out. There aren't many of us out there, but were real good people. Consider this blog a window into my world. The blinds are open, so have a peek. God Bless!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

26 Things I Learned in 2006

1. I spend most of my time working hard for others, and it's time to do the same for myself.

2. I can reach any goal I set forth for myself. (i.e. getting a master's degree before I'm 25!)

3. If I just cut out impulsive shopping I can actually save some money!

4. Bank Of America is the worst bank ever and doesn't deserve to be trusted with your hard-earned cash.

5. A freelancing career in journalism takes time to build, but can actually happen! Slow but steady!

6. You stop hating the people who hurt you the most when you fill your life with happy thoughts, things, and people.

7. There is no such thing as a great friend, only great moments with good friends.

8. You can lie to everyone but yourself.

9. Even the hardest moments can give you more hope.

10. Awesomely bad TV can be one of the greatest forms of therapy.

11. The people who smile at your the most are usually always out to get you.

12. Sticking to your guns will always make you the shining star in any group.

13. Grad school is really hard, but it's one of the most rewarding educational experiences you can buy.

14. Debt is irrelevant if you make enough money to pay it off.

15. Little old ladies drive me crazy.

16. Kids under five in public places do too!

17. I'm not ready to be a mother, but the idea of marriage is now negotiable.

18. Even the deepest love between two people isn't always enough to live happily ever after.

19. I do still believe in happily ever after.

20. Your health won't work around your schedule, so make time for yourself.

21. Traveling makes me high -- in a good way!

22. I lived a past life in Vegas, so I always feel at home there.

23. Curvy women may never be in style, but who cares!?!

24. Women really do fall in love with men who are just like their father -- be it good or bad!

25. A life without "alone time" is a life with a huge void.

26. Home is where your stuff is, not your heart.

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